I am looking to do a make up course in london - part time - however looking on the internet it is difficult to decide which one to do ?
Any ideas .?
Aug 16, 2017
I haven't got any personal experience with makeup courses in London but I have read very positive reviews of this one - https://www.aofmakeup.com which offers part time courses as well as free aftercare classes and this one - https://www.thelondonmakeupschool.com which offers a range of one day courses so you can build up your own syllabus with mini courses you're interested in.
I haven't got any personal experience with makeup courses in London but I have read very positive reviews of this one - https://www.aofmakeup.com which offers part time courses as well as free aftercare classes and this one - https://www.thelondonmakeupschool.com which offers a range of one day courses so you can build up your own syllabus with mini courses you're interested in.